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Identity theft and credit card fraud are on the rise. Over eleven million people were victims of identity theft in the U.S alone as of 2009. According to Javelin Strategy & Research, the total fraud amount was $54 billion dollars. The average victim spends 21 hours and $373 out of pocket resolving the crime of identity theft. In 2009, 4.8 percent of the population was a victim of identity theft, and 13 percent of identity fraud crimes were committed by someone the victim knew. In 2003 and 2004, the Identity Theft Resource Center surveyed victims of identity theft and reported the findings in a paper called The Aftermath Study. In addition, statistics show that approximately 2.8 million dollars was lost due to credit card fraud. This figure is for MasterCard and Visa only. Total credit card fraud losses are about $500 million dollars per year.


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